Monthly Archive: July 2016


Blockchain Parliamentary Forum in Paris

In next October the next Blockchain conference will be held in Paris, it will feature several French government and legislature representatives. It will be held on October 4 at the Maison de la Chimie....


Can we Say Goodbye to network congestion?

Modern society, in an effort to mark the courses that are to follow place trends categories; these arise from the same society, others on the contrary are imposed either by a philosopher thought or...


A New Currency Blows Out and Breaks Acceptance Record

Ethereum is a platform that allows any developer the possibility of writing and distributing next-generation distributed applications. This is made through a complete language Turing and follows a design methodology to create Smart Contracts....


Bitcoin Relies in Malaysia due to the Ringgit fall

The global economic situation has made Bitcoin becomes more popular amongst the group, in this case the deterioration of the national currency Malaysian Ringgit has made Bitcoin increase its demand. Malaysia registered a higher...